A Brief Information about FASSAI  Annual Return Filing

A Brief Information about FASSAI Annual Return Filing

FSSAI Registration is an invariable component and steps that are necessarily required for all the food suppliers in India, especially those residing under the domain of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011, where the packed food products has to be […]

Legal Heir Certificate: Eligibility and Steps to Apply

legal heir certificate Image

 Everyone has equal rights on the inheritance property, especially as per the eligibility and to ensure your right as per the legal norm, you must have the legal heir certificate. After getting this only you can claim your right whether for inheritance property, funds deposited by the deceased person or other properties like insurance gratuity, […]

लीगल नोटिस क्या है: प्रकार, प्रकिया और लाभ ( Legal Notice in Hindi )

लीगल नोटिस क्या है, प्रकार, प्रकिया और लाभ

सामाजिक व्यवस्था को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए और किसी भी प्रकार की बाधाओं के समाधान के लिए कानून और कानूनी सत्ता का होना आवश्यक है जो समय समय पर किसी समस्या या आपसी विवाद को वैधानिक रूप से हल करने में सक्षम हो, इन्ही कारणों से कानून व्यवस्था के अलग अलग चरण होते […]

Legal Notice For Recovery Of Money

Legal notice for recovery of money

What is the Legal Notice for Recovery of Money? Whenever you have to recover money from the second party owing your amount and have signed the agreement to return on a fixed date, you can send a legal notice for recovery of money as legal information before any legal action. To accomplish such action, you […]

Patent Filing Procedure in India

Patent Filing Procedure in India

Patent Act was introduced and implemented to ensure the security of the intellectual property of innovators, creators, designers or others like companies and businesses having enormous properties like new designs for the implementation of new works like advanced mechanisms, software, chemical composition for certain works, and others literature that can directly benefit the humanities or […]

Best Lawyer and Top Law Firm in Delhi, India

Best Lawyer and Top Law Firm in Delhi, India

While running any business, you have to move with all the norms applied by the regulatory authority under which your business resides. When it comes to finance, especially NBFCs and others, you might have several problems or documentation for what you need the help of the law firm in Delhi so that you can get […]